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Helping you make your next move.

South Australia's #1 Real Estate Agency

Smith Partners Real Estate Company are the local real estate agents Adelaide homeowners have trusted for over 10 years to sell their home.
Family owned and operated, Smith Partners offer a full suite of residential property services, all aimed at "helping you make your next move".

From sales to finance, plus rental property management, we look forward to meeting you, walking along side you and putting a smile on your face as we achieve your property and financial goals together.

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Meet The Team

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Smith Partners Real Estate has been operating since 5th August 2013 when husband and wife team Ryan & Corina Smith started their own real estate business in a humble but functional office space. After only a year, Smith Partners Real Estate had grown so much that they relocated to their first “real” office at The Golden Grove Village Shopping Centre. They celebrated their first birthday and their Grand Opening on the 8th of August 2014 and have continued to grow since that time.

Today, the Smith Partners team continues to expand – with a second location at 240 Prospect Road, PROSPECT and staff specialising in sales, property management, client services, information technology and marketing. Smith Partners Real Estate is the recipient of the 2018 & 2017 Silver award for REISA Awards for Excellence in the category of Small Agency as well as being finalists in the same category for 2016 & 2015. They were also named as one of five finalists across Australia in the category of Best New Office 2015 in the Real Estate Business Awards.

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Jul 25, 2024

Attending Open Inspections: The Do's and Don'ts

Attending an open inspection is a fantastic opportunity to explore potential new homes and get a feel for the property market. However, there are certain etiquettes to follow to ensure a smooth and respectful experience for both you and the seller. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind: Do Be Punctual: Arrive within the designated open inspection times. This shows respect for the agent’s time and allows you to see the property when it’s most presentable. Do Register Your Visit: Sign in when you arrive. Agents often use this information to follow up with potential buyers and provide you with additional details about the property. If you do not wish to be contacted simply let the agent know but do not be disrespectful about it - the agent is only doing their job. Do Ask Questions: Feel free to ask the agent questions about the property, the neighbourhood, and any other concerns you might have. This is your chance to gather as much information as possible. Don't Use the Toilet: If it is an extreme emergency, ask the agent if it is ok, but it’s considered inappropriate to use the toilet during an open inspection. This space is part of someone’s private home, and it's best to wait until you can find a public bathroom. Don't Criticise Loudly: If you notice things you don't like about the property, keep your comments to yourself or discuss them quietly with your companion. Loudly pointing out flaws can be disrespectful to the seller and off-putting to other potential buyers. Do Respect the Property: Treat the home as if it were your own. Avoid touching personal belongings, rummaging through drawers, or opening closed doors without permission and ensure your children do the same. Do Bring All The Decision Makers: Where possible, try to bring all decision makers to the open. Depending on the level of interest, the offers received and the personal style of the agent, there may not be another chance to get a look through before the seller proceeds with an offer. Do Follow Up: A good agent will come to you, but in case you're not visiting a Smith Partners property, if you are interested in making an offer, make sure to follow up with the agent. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your open house visits are productive and pleasant for everyone involved. Happy house hunting!...

Jul 18, 2024

Buying Property: 5 Top Tips!

Buying a property is a significant milestone that requires careful consideration and planning. Whether you're a first-time buyer or an experienced investor, these five tips will help guide you through the process and ensure a successful purchase. 1. Define Your Budget Before you start looking at properties, it's crucial to establish a clear budget. Consider your savings, income, and any financial commitments you may have. It's wise to get pre-approved for a mortgage to understand how much you can borrow. This will give you a realistic view of your price range and prevent you from falling in love with a property that's out of reach. 2. Research the Market Understanding the property market in your desired area is key. Look at recent sales, current listings, and future developments that may affect property values. Pay attention to factors such as the quality of local schools, crime rates, and proximity to amenities like shops and public transport. This research will help you make an informed decision and identify the best locations for your investment. 3. Inspect Thoroughly Never judge a property solely by its online listing. Schedule inspections to assess the condition of the property in person. Look for any signs of damage or necessary repairs, such as water stains, cracks, or faulty wiring. It's also beneficial to hire a professional building inspector to provide a detailed report on the property's structural integrity and potential issues. 4. Consider Future Needs Think about your long-term plans and how they might impact your property choice. Are you planning to start a family, or do you anticipate needing more space in the future? Consider the property's potential for renovations or extensions. Additionally, think about the resale value and how easy it might be to sell the property if your circumstances change. 5. Seek Professional Advice Engaging with professionals can save you time, money, and stress. A real estate agent can provide valuable insights and help you find properties that meet your criteria. A solicitor or conveyancer can guide you through the legal aspects, ensuring all documentation is in order. Additionally, financial advisors can assist in securing the best mortgage rates and terms. By following these tips, you'll be better equipped to navigate the property market and make a purchase that suits your needs and financial situation. Happy house hunting!...

Jul 11, 2024

First Home Buyers: How You Can Get There Sooner

**PLEASE NOTE THIS INFORMATION IS CORRECT AS AT JULY 2024** For first home buyers in South Australia, there are currently a range of bonuses and incentives aimed at making the dream of owning a home more achievable. Here are the key benefits available: First Home Owners Grant (FHOG) The First Home Owners Grant offers a one-off payment of up to $15,000 for eligible first-time buyers who purchase or build a new residential property valued up to $650,000. This grant can significantly reduce the initial financial burden, making it easier to enter the property market. HomeStart Finance HomeStart offers various loan options tailored for first home buyers. Their Graduate Loan, for example, allows recent graduates to borrow up to 98% of the property value. Additionally, their Starter Loan provides a top-up of up to $10,000 to assist with upfront costs. HomeStart's innovative solutions are designed to lower the barriers to homeownership. Stamp Duty Exemptions and Concessions Stamp duty can be a substantial expense, but first home buyers in South Australia may benefit from exemptions and concessions. Buyers can now receive a full stamp duty exemption, potentially saving thousands of dollars. This exemption applies to properties valued up to $750,000 and is a considerable incentive. Affordable Homes Program The Affordable Homes Program offers properties at discounted prices to eligible buyers. This initiative aims to provide more accessible housing options, ensuring that even those with moderate incomes can find a suitable home. The program regularly updates its list of available properties, making it easier for first home buyers to find an affordable option that meets their needs. Home Guarantee Scheme (previously called the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme (FHLDS)) The Home Guarantee Scheme allows first-time buyers to purchase a home with a deposit as low as 5%, without the need for lenders mortgage insurance. This scheme is only available with a small handful of lenders and there are limited places, but it's designed to reduce the financial barrier of saving for a large deposit, making it easier for first home buyers to enter the market sooner. Our team is ready to assist you in navigating these opportunities and finding the perfect home. Reach out to us today to learn more about how you can take advantage of these first home buyer benefits....

Jun 27, 2024

Finance Pre-Approval - What You Need To Know

Securing a mortgage pre-approval is a crucial step in the home-buying process. It not only gives you a clear understanding of your budget but also strengthens your position as a serious buyer. Here’s why getting pre-approved is essential and what you need to know. Why Get Pre-Approved? Clarity on Budget: Pre-approval provides a realistic view of how much you can afford, preventing disappointment from falling in love with a home outside your budget. Credibility with Sellers: Sellers are more likely to consider offers from pre-approved buyers, knowing that financing is less likely to fall through. Faster Formal Approval: With pre-approval, the mortgage process is expedited, making the overall transaction smoother and quicker. What Information is Required? To get pre-approved, you’ll need to provide your lender with several key pieces of information: Income Verification: Pay slips, tax returns, and employment history help lenders assess your ability to repay the loan. Assets and Liabilities: Information on your savings, investments, and existing debts helps lenders understand your financial stability. Living Expenses: your average expenditure on groceries, utilites, recreation, transport etc. Identification: A government-issued ID such as passport, drivers licence or birth certificate Keep Pre-Approval Updated It’s important to note that mortgage rates can change, impacting your pre-approval. Ensure you refresh your pre-approval status whenever there is a significant rate change. This not only keeps your budget accurate but also demonstrates to sellers and agents that you are up-to-date with your financing capabilities. By securing a mortgage pre-approval, you pave the way for a more efficient and successful home-buying experience. Always stay informed and proactive about your financial standing to make the best decisions on your journey to homeownership. Contact SP Financial Solutions if you would like any further information....